The connection between Maturity and Impact

The Predominance of Financial Impact Measurement in Data Projects

In the contemporary landscape of business operations, the pursuit of profitability and sustained growth stands as an overarching objective for organizations across industries. As a result, when it comes to evaluating the outcomes of data-driven projects, the metric that often takes center stage is the financial impact. While this approach might seem pragmatic and logical, there are several key reasons behind the pervasive inclination to measure data projects primarily through the lens of financial gains.

Benefits of financial measurement are:

While the financial impact remains an integral aspect of measuring data projects, it's essential to acknowledge that this approach might not capture the full spectrum of benefits that data initiatives can yield. Holistic evaluation should also consider non-monetary gains like improved customer satisfaction, streamlined operations, enhanced data security, and long-term innovation. In essence, while financial impact measurement provides a valuable perspective, it should ideally be complemented by a more comprehensive evaluation framework that encompasses both tangible and intangible outcomes.

However, one aspect that is typically never measured, is the complexity of a project. This means that a project that delivers substantial impact for an organisation, might not be easy to execute. Reasons for that might vary. Data projects can fail for a variety of reasons, and these failures can occur at any stage of the project, from conception to execution. Here are some common reasons why data projects fail:

To mitigate these risks and increase the chances of success, organizations should invest in proper planning, data governance, talent development, and a culture that values data-driven decision-making. Additionally, ongoing evaluation and course correction are essential to adapt to changing circumstances and requirements.

Therefore, we believe that it is necessary to score the (financial) impact together with the maturity of data within an organisation. On the next page, we will discuss this connection further.